Bollywood actress has hit out at "misogynistic" online trolls after she received abusive social media messages over her reported on-off relationship with Indian Test cricket captain Virat Kohli.
Star batsman Kohli pleaded with Internet users to stop attacking Sharma in a passionate appeal on Instagram earlier this year, saying it was shameful to blame her for his performances.
Ahead of the release of blockbuster "Sultan", in which Sharma plays a female wrestler, the Hindi film actress told AFP it had been difficult coming to terms with the online abuse."It's one thing to be abused for a film I did or to be trolled if I did something wrong. But to be abused for something I had no association with? That was hurtful," she said.
"I have been trolled more than many of my peers. At the beginning I didn't know how to react but now I don't care," Sharma added in the telephone interview.
The status of Kohli and Sharma's high-profile relationship is a staple in the gossip pages of India's newspapers, despite the couple themselves refusing to speak directly on the subject.